Wednesday 18 September 2019

WOYWW 537: Workshop Review

Whizzday has arrived again at its usual breakneck speed and I am once again sharing my desk via Julia and the Stamping Ground with my fellow desk enthusiasts. 
My desk today shows some of the projects I have created at two workshops over the last few months.  The finished card (top right) is one of the projects that Eva and I worked on at the Clarity retreat at the end of August.  I finished the panel on the day, but needed to mount it on a card.  I decided to keep the surround simple as the panel is so intricate.  The Clarity retreats are certainly well worth going to if you have the time.  They are not the cheapest on the market, especially as they last two days, but are crammed full of techniques, ideas and a chance to learn something new. 
The remaining three pieces are WIPs started at the last workshop with Maria Moorhouse that Eva and I go to each month.  This one is a full day and you leave each time with a minimum of four finished (or in my case almost finished) projects.  Once again, worth driving a distance to go to, although Maria also runs workshops in Preston and Catterick, as well as the one we go to at Hadnall, Shrewsbury. 
This is what was actually on my desk yesterday afternoon.  The makings of a background using the bleeding tissue paper technique for an art journal page.  I can't show any more until after the 27th.
I can show sneaky peeks of the projects that I handed over to Maria on Sunday, ready for her shows on Hochanda this evening and tomorrow.  If you'd like to see them in full, they will be appearing on my blog over the next few days.

As you can see, the shed has nearly got a complete undercoat now and hopefully the top layer will be ready to show you (at least in part) by next week.  I'm not holding my breath though lol.

I'll be round to visit in the morning if I don't make it this evening.  I have a meeting after school so it's a long day.  Happy WOYWW everyone.


  1. fabulous projects and an interesting pile of tissue!! I've never done the bleeding tissue technique though have seen it around lots. the shed is coming on well and looks great in the sunshine! Helen #2

  2. The joys of teaching. How I am glad I don't have all those meetings to go to now.
    My words you have been busy. I like the green card with the 25 in the centre the best of all but they are all lovely. The bleeding tissue one should be nice with those colours, my favourite and 'go to' combination for so many things.
    Thanks for the share.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx
    ps good luck with the shed, hope the weather holds out for you

  3. Stopping by to say hi, fellow Wednesday Work Deskie! I like your projects. If I ever get my desk clean enough, I'll have to showcase some of my work!

  4. The shadows on the shed look very oriental! It's coming on great - the weather looks amazing for the next week so the paint could dry really well, hint hint. ;-). Lovely selection of cards, the workshops sound wonderful - I often admire what people make and wish that paper/card floated my boat, but Fabric is King for me!
    HUgs LLJ 4 xxx

  5. That pile of tissue has really caught my attention. I'm anxious to see what that works into. Please show us when you can! I love seeing how your shed is progressing slow and steady it goes!
    Glenda #13

  6. Hi Sarah, love the bleedding art tissue technique! Fab samples, and loving the cards from your workshops. Great to see how well the sheds coming along, going to look awesome. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  7. Morning Sarah, those pieces from the work shop look intriguing, will have to try to remember to watch Hochanda this evening.
    Had to look up "bleeding tissue", not heard of it before, looks interested and messy.
    CHRIS #11

  8. Hi Sarah - a lovely blue/green/yellow theme going on there with your projects and I'm intrigued with your sneak peeks - when do you find the time to do all that? The craft shed is coming along nicely - the paint will preserve it for years (hopefully, for decades) to come! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #18

  9. Your cards are all beautiful - the green and blue one with 25 in the centre is especially stunning - what a fabulous background you've created. I'm loving the little snippets of work you given us a peep at.
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #14

  10. So many projects Sarah! You have been busy. I love that Clarity look but I think it requires too much patience for me - I'm a bit of a slap it and slop it girl. The shed looks great. Happy WOYWW Cindy #16

  11. Ah, like the colour layers of the tisssue..that speaks of forward planning with the technique, I think! Fab cards, you’ll never catch me faulting a workshop - i can never decide what I like most about them, the learning the doing, the chat...!

  12. Hi Sarah, your projects are all beautiful. Those shoes look as though they were made for dancing. I'm intrigued by the tissue paper - I look forward to seeing what you do with it. Hope to see the shed finished soon. Have a wonderful week. Elizabeth x #19

  13. Bleeding tissue is one of my favourite techniques for making masterboards and look forward to seeing how you use it. The shed is looking good too. Have a great week and a lovely creative woyww, Angela x10x

  14. Great projects!
    I love the bleeding tissue technique. I think I even know where my tissue is! LOL!
    Fun to see that we're not the only ones painting. We're almost done with our bathroom, then I start another. Ugh. I must be a glutton for punishment.
    Have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #21

  15. You've been busy. Happy WOYWW.
    April #28

  16. Happy belated WOYWDW Such a lot of lovely work going on there and so glad to see the shed making progress

    Lilian B # 8

  17. great projuctes you have there and so glad to see the she is making progress

    Lilian B # 8

  18. Mm, remember after school meetings did seem drag when at school only bonus was I was able to crib rude home as buses were mostly finished by then!
    Love your sneak peeks, often thought of trying wet tissue paper projects but dont have tissue paper like that so no bothered!
    Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #20

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  19. Hi Sarah, I just love that green card with the milestone in the center that is gorgeous :) ~Stacy #29

  20. Your cards are all beautiful! I haven't used the bleeding tissue technique in a while, so thanks for the reminder. Happy belated WOYWW!

  21. Lovely projects! I used to do the bleeding tissue paper technique with my kids at school - so easy and gives great interesting results! Looking forward to seeing what you did with it! Thanks for your visit, and Happy Belated WOYWW! Lindart #25

  22. Great projects, Sarah. It looks as if you've been really busy. I am sure the shed will be ready soon! Thank you for your visit, and sorry to be so long replying. I think I'm making progress with the teabags! I'm glad you enjoyed hearing about how my hubby and I met.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #17


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