Tuesday 18 December 2018

Gift Jar for Christmas Fair

Staff were asked to fill a jar and add a tag for a stall at the Christmas fair.  I had previously made some mini Christmas gift tags and envelopes (see HERE), but had to make a tag and find a jar with a wide enough neck to hold the cards.  One of my Y5 French pupils ended up with my jar which I was really pleased about.
The jar is a large pickle jar which I put through the dishwasher.  The gift tags fitted in with very little bending.
I added some glass beads in the bottom and a Garden Sweet Pea car air freshener to overcome the slight smell of vinegar, which was left despite washing the jar.
The tag was created by adding a blending mat mop up sheet to a #8 manilla tag, sealing the surface with matte medium, drying and trimming.
The front of Elvis the Clarity Elf was stamped in Memories Black ink, fussy cut using the direct cut option on my Brother Scan N Cut, then coloured in using Spectrum Aqua water colour pens.
Once added to the tag I used a Faber-Castell Big Brush marker to add shading and some ground for him to stand on.  The ink was blended out with a Pergamano Blending pen and nib.
I also added Merry Christmas using the stamps from Mini Word Chains 13&14, stamped in Versamark ink and heat embossed with silver EP.  The words were outlined in a purple Sakure micron pen.
Narrow ribbon was used to add the tag to the jar.
To finish, the lid was covered in washi tape to tie in with the colour scheme.

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