Saturday 18 August 2018

Art Journal Insert

I finally got round to having a go at the August challenge over on Mixed Media Art Journey.  Each month six word dice are thrown and the resulting prompts make up the challenge.  It is the first time that 'Create Insert' has been one of the prompts.  I decided to use two tags to make the insert for the middle of a signature in my Eileen Hull Journal.
I used a piece of masking tape to join two #8 manilla tags together (Make Insert).
I gave both sides of the tags a coat of black gesso and dried them with a heat gun (one side at a time).
Further prompts were to 'Use a stamp' and 'Use yellow'.  I had a new set of stamps sitting on my desk (Spheres from IndigoBlu) so used them to stamp in various shades of yellow Archival ink onto a spare piece of Sheena's stamping card (Dandelion, Pale Ochre, Saffron, Buttercup and Chrome Yellow).
Only one of the nesting circle dies that I have was the correct size, so I used scissors to cut out a selection (Add cut out) and added them to the tag insert.
'Add border' was the fifth prompt.  I used a selection of stamps from the Glee set by Technique Tuesday and stamped around the page in Galaxy Gold Brilliance ink.
The final prompt for this month is 'Book quote'.  I had already looked up a suitable one by Pythagoras to fit in with the stamps that I was using.  It was printed off using my Dymo Letratag, trimmed and added across the tags.  The full quote reads, 'There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.   As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace.'

To finish,  I went round each of the quote sections with a fine gold Posca pen.

It will fit very nicely into the journal (see HERE for the making of the cover).

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