Friday 14 April 2017

JJJ and Mindful Art Challenge 12: Feathers, Black, Pink and Green

This page was created for the weekly challenge on Junk Journal Junkies and Mindful Art. This week's theme is feathers and the colours allowed are black, pink and green.

I started by painting both pages all over with my black Pebeo Gesso. I then used the A5 dream catcher stencil by Claritystamp on the right hand page.  The feathers were inked with Worn Lipstick Distress Oxide as the inks show up so well on dark colours (unlike the original distress inks).  I then masked off the feathers and added Glossy Green Dreamweaver embossing paste through the top part of the stencil.
The rest of the stamping on the pages was done using a Versamark ink pad and colour added with pink and green mica powders from a 12 pot set by Imagination Crafts, which I have had for ages and which go a long way.  The word 'Dream' is from the Word Chain 5 stamp set by Claritystamp and 'Sweet' and the -s on Dreams were created using the matching Word Chain Alphabet.
All the remaining stamps are from the Feathers stamp set by Hot Off the Press (1149).  I added the sentiment 'Let your dreams take flight' to the centre of the dream catcher as well as three tiny feathers in each of the top corners.  The larger feather above and below the sentiment on the left hand page is from the same set.  I decided to leave the page there, as I didn't want to bring in any additional media, nor make the pages too busy.
Close up of the left hand page.

Close up of the right hand page.

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